
Welcome Note

Dear colleagues,

The “2nd Skin Academy and ISD Regional Conference” happening from 4-6 April 2019 which I am organizing is going to be a unique and novel initiative in Hungary. The topic will mainly be on tropical dermatology, but other topics within the framework of allergology, immunology and infectious diseases will be presented as well. Because of the positive feedback from last year’s event, the Skin Academy’s format for this year will be similar. In other words, there will be new topics, it will stay interactive, occasionally playful, and will continue to provide training, practice and development opportunities for dermatologists involved in everyday, general patient management. The programme will not be filled with exhaustive discussions on unavailable therapies for many of the participants.

At the end of each session, there will be ample time for discussion so that practical information can be shared, treatment “tricks” may be shown, and experiences can be exchanged between expert and younger colleagues. The main programme will be interrupted by sponsored symposia only once after lunch. The breaks will be long enough for refreshing conversations, meals and browsing the industrial exhibition. Parallel sessions are not included in the programme; hence the participants do not have to make difficult choices as they cannot be in two places at the same time. Only parallel sponsored symposia shall be allowed in order to reduce the division of the audience.

Tropical dermatology, the most novel segment of the programme, will not only consist of reports from our Hungarian colleagues who did a dermatology rotation in the tropical regions, but will also cover presentations by several invited dermatologists living and working in the tropics.  So, allow me to invite you on a trip around the world on Friday, 5th of April. We will visit the Philippines, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Nigeria, and Brazil. All presentations on April 5th will be in English, while Hungarian will be used on April 4th and 6th.  Tropical skin diseases are a significantly increasing problem throughout Europe due to migration, increasingly frequent travel into tropical countries, and international employment. Thus, training our dermatologists in this field has become opportune and timely. Our presenter-colleagues will give interactive talks and ask quiz/poll questions, so certainly you will not only see but also practice the recognition of tropical skin diseases. I would like to acknowledge the support of the International Society of Dermatology (ISD) for this part of the conference.

Moving further, we will travel to other regions as well. We will visit countries where teledermatology is necessary, i.e. the geographical distances between dermatologists and patients can be vast – the USA and Russia. We will also visit our direct neighbors – Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Romania to get some information on the treatment modalities that they routinely use.

As there will only be one allergology/immunology conference this year, some interesting topics from this field are integrated into the programme; e.g., hyposensitization, the appearance and role of hypersensitivity in certain non-allergic diseases, and emergency allergology. Likewise, the mysterious ASIA syndrome is going to be presented. It has been known only a few years, but I have had a chance to see its course and threatening nature.

Certain immunological diseases will be introduced from the perspective of translational medicine. I have asked the presenters to not only try to put everyday practical knowledge into our minds, but also to explain scientific background in detail so that our memory receives logical, structured explanations that are easy to recall later. Some important, but rare and therefore often challenging diseases will be also be discussed.

I have also launched a residents’ forum to support representation of our young colleagues. In addition, a novel workshop will pop up in the programme entitled "Treatment Tricks Roundtable Workshop" but with a limited number of participants. Prominent representatives of the Hungarian Dermatological Society will share with the audience their treatment tricks about any specific allergic, immunologic or infectious skin disease. In this workshop, cases will not only be given by the experts, but the audience members are also expected to present therapy-resistant or unresolved cases that will be analyzed by the roundtable specialists, and suggestions for management, tricks and tips therapy-wise will be presented and discussed with all the participants.

Finally, there will be important sessions for practicing dermatologists for which the Skin Academy has been dedicated at the outset: The Academy of Differential Diagnoses and the Academy of Clinical Challenges.
The conference is going to be held at the 4-star Danubius Helia Hotel, a beautiful location that meets all the needs of the Skin Academy. Due to the great interest and limited capacity of the venue, please register as soon as possible. I hope that you will find this clinically-oriented, up-to-date, informative and modern-minded dermatological conference very useful to your career and practice.

Best wishes,
Prof. Miklós Sárdy, MD, PhD

Scientific programme

Workshop (Hungarian Session)


2.00-3.40 pm

Kezelési trükkök kerekasztal workshop

Bali Gábor, Baltás Eszter, Holló Péter, Jakobi Krisztina, Kinyó Ágnes, Nagy Gabriella, Noll Judit, Sárdy Miklós, Stehlich Gábor, Szegedi Andrea, Wikonkál Norbert

Thursday |  April 4, 2019  (Hungarian Sessions)

4.00-4.10 pmMegnyitó
Sárdy Miklós

Allergo-immunológiai Akadémia

Üléselnökök: Kinyó Ágnes, Pónyai Györgyi

4.10-4.25 pmMikor és hogyan kell hiposzenzibilizálni?
Kraxner Helga
4.25-4.40 pmAllergológiai tesztek jelentősége nem allergiás eredetűnek tartott kórképekben
Pónyai Györgyi
4.40-4.55 pmA Quincke-oedema differenciáldiagnosztikája és kezelése – interaktív előadás
Szegedi Andrea
4.55-5.10 pmSürgősségi esetek az allergo-immunológiában – interaktív előadás
Kinyó Ágnes
5.10-5.25 pmAz ASIA szindróma – interaktív előadás
Sárdy Miklós
5.25-5.40 pmÉlelmiszer allergiák – interaktív előadás
Pónyai Györgyi
5.40-5.50 pmDISZKUSSZIÓ
5.50-6.20 pmSZÜNET
6.20-6.35 pmNeutrophil dermatosisok – interaktív előadás
Gergely Hunor
6.35-6.50 pmEosinophil dermatosisok – interaktív előadás
Kuroli Enikő
6.50-7.00 pmPapulosis atrophicans maligna (M. Degos)
Hidvégi Bernadett
7.00-7.15 pmImmunologiai eredetű benignus tumorok – interaktív előadás
Varga Erika
7.15-7.30 pmFigurált erythemák – interaktív előadás
Baltás Eszter
7.20-7.30 pmDISZKUSSZIÓ

Friday  |  April 5, 2019  (English Sessions)
Scientific program of the ISD joint meeting

Tropical Academy I.

Chairs: Perpetua Ibekwe, Eva Remenyik

8.45-9.00 amOpening: Differences in the tropics – interactive presentation
Miklós Sárdy
9.00-9.10 amInternational Society of Dermatology; honored to be in Hungary
George Reizner
9.10-9.30 amMission on an isolated island – interactive presentation
Odette Alonzo
9.30-9.50 amDiseases on black skin: how do they look like? – interactive presentation
Perpetua Ibekwe
9.50-10.10 amFungal infections in tropical areas – interactive presentation
Dipankar De
10.10-10.30 amParasite diseases in tropical areas – interactive presentation
Perpetua Ibekwe
10.30-10.50 amLeishmaniasis – interactive presentation
Efrat Bar-Ilan
10.50-11.00 amDISCUSSION
11.00-11.30 amBREAK

Tropical Academy II.

Chairs: George Reizner, Dipankar De

11.30-12.00 amClinical forms and management of leprosy – interactive presentation
Grace Monica Ibaviosa, Pauline Consuelo Velasco
12.00-12.20 pmTropical diseases seen in tourists in the Philippines – interactive presentation
Joyce C. Castillo
12.20-12.40 pmViral diseases in tropical areas – interactive presentation
Jawaher Jastaneyah
12.40-1.10 pmTropical diseases in Brazil – interactive presentation
Manoella Freitas Santos
1.10-1.30 pmTropical quiz – interactive presentation
Odette Alonzo, Joyce C. Castillo, Jawaher Jastaneyah, Manoella Freitas Santos
1.30-1.40 pmDISCUSSION
1.40-2.30 pmLUNCH BREAK
2.30-2.55 pmLILLY SYMPOSIUM (Hungarian)
Miklós Sárdy, Péter Bálint
3.00-3.25 pmEWOPHARMA SYMPOSIUM (Hungarian)
Miklós Sárdy

Teledermatology Academy

Chairs: Rodica Cosgarea, László Biró

3.30-3.50 pmTeledermatology in the largest country of the world
Svetlana Bobko

Clinical pathogenesis Academy

Chairs: Miklós Sárdy, Dániel Törőcsik

3.50-4.10 pmBullous diseases - from pathogenesis to treatment
Orsolya Horváth N.
4.10-4.30 pmPathogenesis and management of lichenoid skin and mucous membrane diseases – interactive presentation
Krisztián Németh
4.30- 4.40 pmDISCUSSION
4.40-5.10 pmBREAK

Therapeutic Academy

Chairs: Thomas Ruzicka, Branka Marinović

5.10-5.30 pmStimulation of the immune system for the treatment of melanoma
George Reizner
5.30-5.45 pmTreatment of inflammatory diseases in Turkey
Müge Güler Özden
5.45-6.00 pmTreatment of autoimmune blistering diseases in Croatia
Branka Marinović
6.00-6.15 pmAutoinflammation in pyoderma gangrenosum
Rodica Cosgarea
6.15-6.30 pmUnusual cutaneous manifestations of secondary syphilis
Thomas Ruzicka
6.30-6.45 pmDISCUSSION
7.00 pmBANQUET

Satrday  |  April 6, 2019  (Hungarian Sessions)

Rezidens fórum

Üléselnökök: Görög Anna, Holló Péter

09.00-09.45 amTrópusi élmények és quiz Manilából - Kerekasztal
Hodossy-Virágh Andor, Márton Dalma, Kerner Tünde
09.45-10.00 amAz infekciók szerepe a vasculitisek kialakulásában
Nagy Géza
10.00-10.15 amAz atopias dermatitis fenotípusai
Steuer-Hajdu Krisztina
10.15-10.30 amA calcinosis cutis klinikuma
Róbert Lili
10.30-10.45 amDRESS szindróma
Kövesdi Dorottya
10.45-11.00 amDISZKUSSZIÓ
11.00-11.30 amSZÜNET

Transzlációs Akadémia

Üléselnökök: Horváth Barbara, Wikonkál Norbert

11.30-12.00 amAcne inversa
Horváth Barbara
12.00-12.15 pmAcne vulgaris
Törőcsik Dániel 
12.15-12.30 pmAz elektromágneses sugárzás allergo-immunológiai hatásai a bőrre
Wikonkál Norbert
12.30-1.20 pmEBÉDSZÜNET
Eucerin® Anti-Pigment: új referencia a hiperpigmentáció dermokozmetikai kezelésében

Csoma Zsanett
1.50-2.15 pmIpari szimpózium

Differenciáldiagnosztikai Akadémia 

Üléselnökök: Gyulai Rolland, Lengyel Zsuzsanna

2.15-2.30 pmBőrelváltozás az acrákon: mi lehet ez? – interaktív előadás
Lengyel Zsuzsanna
2.30-2.45 pmBőrelváltozás a hajas fejbőrön: mi lehet ez? – interaktív előadás
Stehlich Gábor
2.45-3.00 pmElváltozás a szájüregben: mi lehet ez? – interaktív előadás
Tamási Béla
3.00-3.15 pmGenitalis bőrelváltozás: mi lehet ez? – interaktív előadás
Gaál Magdolna
3.15-3.30 pmBőrelváltozás az alsó végtagon: mi lehet ez? – interaktív előadás
Gyulai Rolland
3.30-3.40 pmDISZKUSSZIÓ
3.40-4.10 pmSZÜNET

Rendelői kihívások Akadémiája

Üléselnökök: Dénes Márta, Podányi Beáta

4.10-4.25 pmPrurigo: mit tegyek a rendelőben?
Holló Péter
4.25-4.40 pmFelnőtt betegség gyermekben: mit tegyek ugyanúgy vagy másképp?
Csoma Zsanett
4.40-5.05 pmTanulságos esetek a rendelőből KEREKASZTAL
Becker Krisztina
Résztvevők: Csoma Zsanett, Holló Péter, Remenyik Éva
5.05-5.10 pmZárójelentés
Sárdy Miklós
5.15-5.30 pmTESZTÍRÁS

Invited Speakers

Branka Marinović
Dipankar De
Efrat Bar-Ilan
Grace Monica Ibaviosa

Jawaher Jastaneyah
Joyce C. Castillo
Manoella Freitas Santos
Müge Güler Özden

Odette Alonzo
Pauline Consuelo Velasco
Perpetua Ibekwe

Rodica Cosgarea
Svetlana Bobko
Thomas Ruzicka

General Information

Venue of the event

Danubius Hotel HELIA Conference Hotel
62-64. Kárpát Str., Budapest 1133
Phone: (+36 1) 889 5871
(+36 1) 889 5801


Registration and Accommodation


Please register online. All applications should be accompanied by full payment of the registration fees. Please note that upon receiving the full amount of the registration fee, a written confirmation of registration will be sent to you.
All congress materials will be available at the registration desk at the conference venue during the congress.

4 February, 2019
4 February, 2019
Registration fee for physiciansEUR 120 /personEUR 150 /person
Registration for nursesEUR 33 /personEUR 33 /person
Registration for traineesEUR 80 /personEUR 120 /person
Registration for accompanying personEUR 33 /personEUR 33 /person
Lunch on FridayEUR 20 /personEUR 20 /person
Dinner on FridayEUR 40 /personEUR 40 /person
Registration includes: badge, access to all scientific programs, program book, coffee (EUR 20).


Accommodation is available in the congress venue (Danubius Hotel Helia Conference Hotel). The accommodation is not included in the registration, request should be sent individually.

Danubius Hotel HELIA Conference Hotel
 62-64. Kárpát Str., Budapest 1133 - Venue of the event
Standard single roomEUR 106 /room/night
Standard double roomEUR 116 /room/night
Superior single roomEUR 116 /room/night
Superior double roomEUR 129 /room/night

The above prices are inclusive of buffet breakfast,  WiFi internet access throughout the hotel, VAT (currently 18%), City Tax (currently 4%). 

Condition of payment

By registering to the congress you are able to pay for the reserved services either by;


2.) BANK TRANSFER: a copy of the bank transfer has to be sent to Convention Budapest Ltd attached to the registration.

Bank details:
Bank: K&H Bank
Address: H-1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9., Hungary
Swiftcode: OKHBHUHB.
IBAN: HU26 1020 1006 6019 5559 0000 0000



Confirmation and the corresponding receipt will be sent upon receiving the full payment.

Payments, cancellation, refunds

To guarantee any registration the payment of your full stay and your registration fee are required. In case of any cancellation up to 04 March, 2019, costs will be refunded less 50 EUR for administration costs. After this date payments cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Scientific information

Miklós Sárdy MD, PhD, professor
Head of department

Semmwelweis University
Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Dermatooncology
Hungary - 1085 Budapest, Mária u. 41.
Phone: (+36 1) 266 0465
Fax: (+36 1) 267 6974

Technical information

Zsombor Papp (Mr.)

Nikolett Kántor (Ms.)

Convention Budapest Ltd.
Hungary - 1143 Budapest, Besnyői utca 13.
Phone: (+36 1) 299 0184, 299 0185
Fax: (+36 1) 299 0187
